Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rubric Page Added

Hey guys! Enjoyed our second life hang out session last night. Sometime we should try to meet in SL without being in the same place RL. I could take us for a gondola ride in the botanical gardens! What do you think?

I added our rubric on a page. The link should be on the sidebar to the right. Let me know what you think! Is it too vague anywhere? It doesn't seem like you can comment on the page, so you can leave your comments about it on this post.

Allison--are you having trouble accessing the blog? I noticed you haven't been commenting, but are replying to the emails instead. It is easier for everyone to see and for it to be documented if you comment on the blog. And how is your process going?

I'm enjoying group blogging! I've been keeping a blog for a while, but have never done a group one before. It is definitely something I would consider doing in the future.


  1. I'm not having trouble commenting. I think I just had a brain lapse, thinking the emails responses I gave would post to the comments automatically. I don't know why I got that impression. It makes no sense. I will fix it this afternoon.

    I agree we should do a run through of our presentations. When would be a good time for everyone? I just have class tomorrow night and work all morning Thursday. A gondola ride sounds great! We should present to Brent there!

  2. We could practice in class on Wednesday while other groups are actually presenting to him since we are not presenting until Thursday afternoon.

    Yes, a gondola ride would be SO cool! How would we designate who "has the floor?" We had originally thought the person speaking could stand, but I'm not sure that's a good idea if we are in a gondola. Are there low-clearance bridges? Could we fall out and get wet in SL? I know I've tripped and fallen over stuff...and others saw. How embarrassing...even in SL.

  3. I won't be able to log on tonight so please keep me posted on how rehearsals went! And what I need to do. Or if someone could log on before 5:30 and give me a recap?? I can get on as early as 4:30.

  4. Oh, and the rubric looks great, Laura!!!
