Laura Maxwell has joined.
Allison Bowles Davidson ( has joined.
Allison Bowles Davidson: sweet
me: yay!
Allison Bowles Davidson: this is cool
and gmail writes everything down so we can keep it
me: laura said we should just copy and paste this into our blog
ooo yeah! that too ~
Allison Bowles Davidson: yeah!
Sent at 6:02 PM on Monday
Laura Maxwell: word!
we are so hip with technology!
Allison Bowles Davidson: hahahaha
is brent ok with this?
i didn
t ask him yet
i think he might like it actually
me: oh he should be
Allison Bowles Davidson: i will ask him tomorrow
me: he's talking to someone right now but i'll ask him in just a sec if you want
Allison Bowles Davidson: nah
we're doing this
me: hahaha ok
Allison Bowles Davidson: we can let him read it
Laura Maxwell: brb! having a huddle
Allison Bowles Davidson: ok
me: here i'll keep you updated with what's going on in the huddle
Allison Bowles Davidson: awesome! is not in your contacts. You can only invite current friends.
me: we're discussing when the presentations are due and what is due
we will be presenting the document of our process on november 1st
as group, we get up together
as a group*
Sent at 6:07 PM on Monday
me: and we will project the documentary of our process on the overhead
and then we'll be critiqued on our document
by the class
Allison Bowles Davidson: OK
me: then on november 8 (the wednesday after the 1st) we present our art pieces
Allison Bowles Davidson: in SL?
me: no this is all in real time, in front of the class
Allison Bowles Davidson: ok
me: on the 8th, we need to turn in a rubric, the documentation, and the art piece
so that he has something to grade
today, it says we are presenting ideas to brent in second life (on the syllabus)
so we are supposed to log onto second life and just rehearse
can you get on second life?
Allison Bowles Davidson: yes
me: hey can you add sheila to the chat?
Sent at 6:12 PM on Monday
Allison Bowles Davidson: she has to have gmail and be logged int
me: now he's talking about crooked crust with bokchoy and bamboo shoots
Allison Bowles Davidson: oh boy
me: well she does and she is logged in but laura can't seem to add her
Allison Bowles Davidson: hm.
Sent at 6:14 PM on Monday
me: oh we need to decide on a time that we can all be on second life while brent is at home
he wants to record our second life presentations
are you available before class either monday or wednesday at 5?
Sent at 6:16 PM on Monday
Laura Maxwell: hey we are getting onto second life
Sent at 6:17 PM on Monday
Allison Bowles Davidson: monday or wed at 5 is fine. i will log in, too. we should all be in the coffee shop, right?
and we can just talk in there.
Sent at 6:19 PM on Monday
Laura Maxwell has left.
This Gmail chat was terminated and we moved into Second Life. We had to figure out how to create a group chat in second life, which is actually called a "Conference" in that virtual world.
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