From class on 2010 October 13.
We, the graduate students, have decided to form a "group" for process to guide the creation of our "product." Our individual ideas are as follows:
Sheila: Taking in inspiration from Phineas Ferb, Rube Goldberg, Andy Goldsworthy, and a music video by OKGo, she will be creating her own "chain reaction" video with her two sons. Documentation of the "process" of a process will be the final "product."
Allison: Like her self introduction for this class, she will have other people introduce someone else. This will be done through a social network site like facebook, or a web cam... Idea of crafting this persona on a social network and deconstructing that by having someone else introduce themselves.
Laura: She will be making a piece of art in Second Life, which will give her a lot to document and learn about the process because she doesn't know much about how to do it. She will be using the tutorials on Second Life (like the one on how to make a chair). She will be documenting through screen shots. Possible collaboration with Brent.
Sojung: I have recently started a blog on using my artwork that I've Phothoshopped with text, which was fueled by learning about putting text on images with the Adobe program. I would like to continue to explore my blog as an art piece. I will have to figure out how I can allow people to comment on my images.
This blog will serve as a support for each other. Laura created this blogspot site, "The Process," for us with her google account. She had to figure out that she had to invite us to be authors through our Gmail accounts (because Google apparently owns Blogspot?) We all confirmed our invites in our Gmail inbox.
We will each be creating individual rubrics and will post it on the blog. We will comment on each others rubrics and revise it based on those comments. Our final rubric will either be on a new post or a page.
The individual members of this group have varying strengths, as Brent pointed out. No one person is the leader; rather, since Sheila knows a lot about Photoshop, we go to her for answers and since Laura knew how to create a Blogspot page, she started it up for us. The dynamics of this group are so exciting and hopefully the products will be equally so!
Sojung, to let people comment on your text-enhanced artworks, just post each one as a new blog entry. Then people can comment on the entries just as I am here. You can post as many times in a day as you please, with each piece being a new entry. You would just have to worry about people only commenting on the latest entry in any one given day. If you are concerned about that, then just spread your submissions out to one a day or one every few days.