Saturday, October 30, 2010

Introduction video for Allison's project

Here is the video of my 2 kids introducing me.

A couple of things:

1. The lighting/arrangement of the video wasn't the greatest; my husband was in charge of that portion. I tried to add some artistic effects so that the low quality of the original film would not be so evident.

2. Additionally, the artistic effects served to "disguise" my kids a bit. Since this will be posted on Facebook, with my name, age, school association and major, I wanted to try and keep their identity as protected as I possibly could. Maybe I'm delusional and these efforts are a waste of time, but from a parental standpoint, they help ease my mind, so don't rain on my parade, please; thanks. :)

3. This video is very insightful; but not in the way I had originally thought it might be. I wasn't quite sure what to expect; kids say the darnedest things, you know. However, what I realized after watching the raw film was this: My kids don't really know me at all. They have no clue as to what makes me tick. I'm their Mom and that's about all they need/care to know. Visions of grandeur once again squashed by 2 typical little boys. Oh, well. I love them just the same.

I will get the other video filmed and edited as soon as I can.

Colby & Brady Introduce Sheila from Sheila Lehnert on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. Oh Sheila,

    I thought the video was great. And I was struck by how well they DO know you. I think most kids know even less about their parents as real people. Kids just see their parents as their Mom or Dad until they are in middle school--sometimes not event then. They don't realize much about their parents that isn't directly related to their own needs or experience. So I was really impressed that they know what music you like and what you are studying in school, etc. It was really sweet and it adds a new dimension to this project that I had never considered.

    Also, if you have any concerns at all I don't mind if you remove the video from the page. I don't want your family's privacy to be an issue at all. The page is currently set to private so only other members can see anything we post. But if I expand the project that could change, so it's something to keep in mind.

    All of you should feel free to take down your videos at any time. They are your property not mine.
