Thursday, November 18, 2010

Aesthetics Class Culture Jam

Allison had asked to see the culture jam Laura & I did for another class, so we told her we would post it here.

This is the same one I played--unofficially--in class last night.


Untitled from Sheila Lehnert on Vimeo.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Final Process

Here is the final edit of my video.

The final process from Sheila Lehnert on Vimeo.


Remember that we are meeting at 5 tonight for a "focus group" with Brent.


I think I am pretty much done with my final product too.


I am listening to Christmas music! (I am kind of a Christmas junkie . . .)


I am also kind of obsessed with my new desktop image courtesy of National Geographic's website.


See you tonight! (at 5)

Sunday, November 7, 2010

My product is done, for now. If you want to see my introduction of Kevin, or his video response which is much funnier, just log into our Facebook group.

Well, see you all tomorrow.

Needing Motivation

I'm getting tired of my art product but I need to finish it because we present TOMORROW.
There is the interior of my house so far. Blurg, I'm tired of it..

Oh, and I sent you all a landmark to my house. This is so you can easily get there and find your positions on Monday. So far I have a chair downstairs, and upstairs I have pillows to lounge on like in our coffee shop.


Well, here it is; my final product.

Y'all get to see it first because y'all are special like that.

This is the pre-screening before the premiere. It's all about who you know.

The Product of the Process from Sheila Lehnert on Vimeo.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My handwriting.

I posted a new entry on my tumblr and this time I did not photoshop text in.  I just left my handwriting in.  It definitely gives it a different feel from the others.
I think my handwriting is good for the more personal posts, but I think for the bible verses the computer generated text is more appropriate.

What do you guys think?