Sunday, November 7, 2010


Well, here it is; my final product.

Y'all get to see it first because y'all are special like that.

This is the pre-screening before the premiere. It's all about who you know.

The Product of the Process from Sheila Lehnert on Vimeo.


  1. That's great Sheila! I love how you showed all the takes. It really made it exciting when it actually all worked.

    You're motivating me to finish MY product!

  2. AHHHHHH THIS WAS GREAT!!!!!!! i love how you did the number of takes because now as the audience we can see the frustration that you guys must have went through each time it didn't work. And it was an added bonus to see how excited your boys were =]

  3. Yeah. That was one of Brent's suggestions. I was going to use some as "out takes and bloopers" but he suggested using them in the actual video, instead.

  4. Yeah! This turned out really great! Do you think you all will do anymore chain reactions in the future? Might be more fun without the pressure of school attached, too.

  5. I know my kids will, but I'm not sure they will be this big and involved until my kids can take the project lead more. They enjoyed it, but the build was too complicated and sensitive that they didn't really get to do as much as they wanted to.
